It's been bleak weeks here in my life!!
There's so many things to do with little time given to me.
Yes, I know. I could not and shyuld not have asked for more than 24 hours per day because I think it is more than enough time given by Allh to me.
Fine. I am the problem myself.
I nedd a time management class.
Anyone for personal one-to-one tutoring on time management??
I think I have not been updating my blog for almost three weeks.
I suppose so because it feels like ages too to me.
Within the last three weeks, so many things I did, so many things happened.
This is the result of the lack of updates because I will basically lose almost everything I intended to write.
But, it's okay.
There is nothing to worry because I admit I have been busy with works, assignments, social life (*ahem ahem) and many other important things too.
And, due to the my busy schedule, I have actually neglected my loved ones, my family of course.
I did not go back home for more than 2 weeks and suddenly i realized it myself.
I felt so bad for being such and ignorant person.
Mom was not so well last week and it really hit me.
So, I straight away went back home on wednesday because I believe nothing comes before my family especially my mom.
Having gotten to see her face was totally a life-relief.
Though I was at home for barely 12 hours (my hometown is in Bagan Datoh, Perak, which, I know is unknown to some of you but whatever), but the excitement and happiness to be with mom, dad and my family is indescribable.
Now, I have learned that, no matter how busy you are, how broke you are to pay for the fuel or bus ticket or flight ticker or whatever ticket, you must find a way to remember and go back and be with your family and loved ones.
There is nothing more important than these people in your lives.
So,apprecaite every moment and time with them.
3 months ago
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