Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, July 19, 2010

Loving Block C!!!

I am writing this because I feel there is a need to inform people who are reading my blog about how I feel about the hostel I am staying at currently.
You might have read the previous post which I wrote when I first came back here.
I was so devastated to be placed at Block C, I even hated it.
Yes, it was true, and I am not denying it.
I was too used to Block H, which I had stayed at for 3 years before leaving for UPM.
I was too comfortable staying there, especially knowing the fact that it is nearer to my class.

However, things have started to change now.
After 3 weeks staying in Block C, I am starting to really understand why most people like to stay here.
The environment and surroundings are definitely totally opposite to how Block H is.
It is way more happening, the people here are much more friendly than those at the new block.
I know for a fact that most of my guys friends at at the other side at the new block, but it doesn't mean that it is going to be total boring and dull here.
My life is not as empty as I thought I would feel.
Friends here are awesome. They are very friendly, interesting bunch, helpful, and fun to be around.
I get to know lots of people which I don't think I would be able to do so if I were in Block H.
My circle of friends has expanded and it is so awesome.
More friends means happier and livelier life.
Not forgetting, I have one awesome Warden, Mr. Raj. Absolutely one awesome most respected super cool man. :)

I am now very grateful and thankful than ever.
Life would be so much different if I a at the Block H.
I guess Allah has such a great plan for me that I am destined to be placed here.
I would not ask for more.
I am currently content with what I have now.

The bottom line is.....

I LOVE BLOCK C and all the residents here!

p/s: More posts about why I <3 Block C coming soon. 

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