Oh computer!
How great of an invention you are. ....
Haha, I am not going to write a poem about computers.
That is so lame and pathetic I should say.
I am writing this out of my curiosity about how closely attached human, and I of course to technology.
I honestly have this great bonding with my computer/laptop/lappy/whatever you call it.
It's not that weird because almost everyone else too has the same relationship.
You see how big of an impact can computer cause on you.
Technology advances every single second and it becomes so advanced that sometimes the relationship is taken to another level which is.............em........a marriage.
Ooooh, sound fishy and steamy. Yummy Yummy.
But that's the truth and that's what I came across a few weeks ago on the television.
This guy is not married to his computer though.
He married a "girl" named Nene Anegasaki.
The weird part of their relationship or rather marriage is that, that gilr is an anime game character and she virtually lives inside of a Nintendo Ds video game called plus.
Mind you, they even had an official looking ceremony with a priest!!
Oh Em Gee!! What is happening to the world??
This is what happens when one becomes so attached to something.
Marrying a virtual anime character has never come across my mind and now, it's not an impossible thing cos it happened.
But, what the F??
I have a few friends who truly really like anime and games so much, at least I think they do. (I don't like any of this stuffs though, no offence)
They pay games, they watch anime, download almost all sorts of anime imaginable and available in the world, at all possible time and chance they get to.
Looking at them makes me wonder.
But, I believe there is something special and magical about it.
There is some magic that it definitely has that makes them so attached to it.
Now we see how impactful all these technology things on us.
As for me, I am just gonna say....WEIRD!
You can watch the weird unusual wedding which I took from YouTube here.
I wish them a happy married life forever!!
3 months ago
3 Comment:
what the eff! techie kinky though :D
it is, isn't it?
pelik gile la weh... seram sejuk dowh... kesina dia da gile.... mak aih...
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