Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, July 5, 2010

Hello JB :)

So, it has been a week here at IPGKTI.
It's been just alright so far.
Nothing much to share or to talk about.
Nothing oh-so-interesting to write about.
And here I am, continue writing here.

When I left UPM last April for IPGKTI, I thought life would be oh so dull and boring because i am so used to having lots of thing to keep me happy and going in KL.
The most importantly is something that can feed my craze for shopping.
I am not a shopaholic though, but I do adore some brands which Johor Bahru cannot offer.
Upon coming back to JB, I was deluded by the fact that my life would be so boring without all this retail-therapy that I always need whenever I am depressed or when i just simply need it.

But, it was just all so wrong.
I thought I would not again be the monster I once was.
Yes, I was such a bitch when it comes to spending my money.
And I was pretty sure that JB could slow down the craziness a lil' bit, but I was completely wrong.
I was so effin' wrong!!

And yesterday was the living proof that i am still once monstrous spender.
However, i gotta say it was all unintended though.
I was really in need of a white shirt, so of course I had to get myself one.
And from one white plain shirt, it leads to another thing.

As always, y'all know how big of a fan of TOPMAN I am.
I am SO freaking happy that TOPMAN is available in JB.
Though Jusco Tebrau City is pretty far from the college, but I gotta do what I got to do, right??

From TOPMAN, I moved to the shop next to it, Calvin Klein.
These people seem to know how to organize their shops to make my shopping wayyy easier!
I am one happy monster!!!

And yes, I just got my self another leather shoes.
I know I just got myself the 4inch leather shoes recently, but let me tell you, walking around the campus compound in that freaking tall shoes aint that easy!
I just could not imagine how the girls could still rock it, walking around with such high heels!
Damn it!
And I am thinking of selling it off to anyone who is interested to feel taller.

Also, YES, I just bought the Calvin Klein X underwear

Buying it in a hope that I would look damn good in that underwear like how Kellan Lutz, Fernando Verdasco, Mehcad Brooks and Hidetoshi Nakata do.

Photo from here
But why can't my underwear do the same to me and my body? *wonders and in denial*

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